Englishday at school!

Last Wednesday all of Tryggheim Strand was in english mode, as we had our first full english day.
We focused on British culture, english language, and had a taste of some British food. We even dressed like brits! Some of the pupils spoke english throughout the whole day, even in math and other non-lingual subjects. Nevertheless, one of the biggest home runs on our english day was definitely being served the classic Fish&Chips for lunch.

All in all, we had a blast! Thanks to all who contributed in making this an all out event!

Til alle dykk som ikkje fattar utaskjærs-mål:
Sist onsdag var det engelsk-dag på skulen. Då fekk elevane snakke engelsk, ete Britisk mat, kle seg som britiske elevar, og øve seg i britisk kultur og etikette. Vi storkoste oss!

All dressed up

All dressed up

Fish & Chips

Fish & Chips

The highlight of the day

The highlight of the day

5th and 6th grade preparing a gourmet meal

5th and 6th grade preparing a gourmet meal

5th and 6th grade preparing a gourmet meal

5th and 6th grade preparing a gourmet meal

waiting for the day to beguin

waiting for the day to begin